Can I meet my provider before my baby is born?
Yes, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends finding, and visiting, your provider before delivery. Have this visit during the last three months (last trimester) of your pregnancy. To make an appointment, call 919-734-4736.
How often should my child see their provider?
At least 10 checkups are recommended during the first 2 years. We recommend your first visit at 3 to 5 days old, again at 1 month, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12 and 18 months. Afterward at 2, 2½, and 3 years old. Yearly appointments are recommended afterward.
Is your office accepting new patients?
Yes, all four of our offices are currently accepting new patients. Please contact your nearest office to set up an appointment.
What is the best way to schedule an appointment with your office?
The best way to schedule an appointment for a new patient is to call our office at 919-734-4736. For existing patients, you may use your patient portal to request an appointment.
Do I need an appointment, or can I just walk in?
We are always able to see children with urgent situations, but please call our office first. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are currently not doing our normal walk-in hours. For wellness visits, check-ups, and routine appointments you will need to set up an appointment.
What is Behavioral Health?
Our behavioral health services include the evaluation and treatment of a broad range of mental health conditions. These can include behaviors, impulses, habits, or other distressing concerns related to a child’s mental health. We also assess IQ, and evaluate children for special programs.
Why does my child need to receive vaccinations?
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) recommends a schedule of vaccines to protect children against 14 childhood diseases by the age of 2. Your doctor should administer the CDC-recommended vaccinations. They are typically given at the end of your baby’s checkup. To get your own copy of the schedule, visit CDC.gov.
Visit immunize.nc.gov to read about the vaccinations required in North Carolina for a child to attend public school.
What's the practice's philosophy on vaccination and why?
Because we are committed to protecting the health of your children through vaccination, we require all of our patients to be vaccinated. For both new and established patients – all infants are required to be up to date on all recommended vaccines according to the AAP/CDC guideline by age 7 months. Children ages 2 years and over are required to stay up to date on their vaccinations. As medical professionals, we firmly believe in the effectiveness of vaccines to prevent serious illness and to save lives. Parents who refuse to comply will be asked to find an alternative medical home.
What should I do to prepare for my child's check-up?
During your visits, we will weigh and measure your baby, including the head, and total body length. These measurements allow us to track your child’s growth and look for good progress. We will listen to your baby’s heart, check the ears, nose, mouth, and throat. Your pediatrician may also check for soft spots on the head (fontanels) as well as for hernias, birth marks, and rashes. Your doctor will also check reflexes to make sure your child has developed correctly.
What else can I do to make things go smoothly when I come for my appointment?
If you are making your first visit, be sure to bring your hospital and delivery paperwork. Parents should have extra diapers on hand. It’s always a good idea to write down your questions before your visit. Be sure to bring a list of any medications your child is taking.
I am not sure if my child needs an appointment or not. I would like to talk with the nurse.
We have a nurse adviser available 8 am – 5 pm weekdays. The nurse will help you decide if you should bring your child in. Please call 919-734-4736 to speak to our nurse adviser.
What if I need a shot record?
Contact our office and we will provide your child’s immunization records. We are also connected with the North Carolina Immunization Registry.
Will a provider call in antibiotics without seeing my child?
Although we can refill prescriptions as needed, every new prescription will require an office visit.
If my child has a fever, will I receive a prescription for antibiotics?
Your provider will determine if your child needs antibiotics. Viral illnesses do not improve with antibiotics, and taking unnecessary medication can be harmful for your child. If your child has a bacterial infection, your provider will decide if antibiotics are needed.
What if I am concerned that my child may have ADHD?
Your regular provider can evaluate your child and, if necessary, make a referral to our Advance Care Team for behavioral health treatment.
Why is it important to insist that I see the same provider for my child's well-child/physical visits?
Your regular provider is familiar with your child’s growth, development, personality, and medical history. While all of our providers can treat your child, we recommend seeing the same one for all wellness visits. You will also feel more comfortable with a provider you know.
How does that relate to when my child is sick and needs to be seen?
We recommend that you see your regular provider when possible, but in the case of illness or urgent need, you may need to see an alternate provider at our practice.
Are my medical records available at all Goldsboro Pediatrics locations?
Yes! We are proud to have a fully connected practice. You may be seen at any location. We will have access to your child’s full medical records.