Fifty Years of Advocacy
Fifty Years of Advocacy reveals the extent of what dedicated pediatricians can achieve through individual, collective, and collaborative actions. Readers will learn about the North Carolina Pediatric Society's frontline involvement to help design and implement a health system that ensures all children have access to comprehensive care.
Acclaim for Fifty Years of Advocacy
“For five decades, the pediatrician leaders in North Carolina have been innovators and advocates for child health. Through the powerful work of the North Carolina Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, they have improved the lives and health of children and families across their state. There are powerful advocacy lessons for all of us in this book. These stories illuminate the past, but they are also a guide for future tactics and strategies.” -– Mark Del Monte, Executive Vice President, American Academy of Pediatrics
About the Editor
Dave Tayloe Jr., MD, FAAP, is the driving force behind the publication of “Fifty Years of Advocacy.” He is former president of the American Academy of Pediatrics and founder of Goldsboro Pediatrics. Dr. Tayloe has extensive experience in his community as a visionary leader in establishing and nourishing community-based coalitions to address school health issues, child abuse prevention, early literacy/school-readiness, Latino child health, obesity, asthma, ADHD, diabetes, and adolescent pregnancy prevention.
Dr. Tayloe is one of the architects of the highly successful child health system in North Carolina that included the NC Universal Childhood Vaccine Distribution Program, the physician-directed Medicaid managed care initiative, and the NC Health Choice Program (CHIP).