Expecting Parents - Creating a Healthy Life for your Newborn
Expecting a newborn? Goldsboro Pediatrics offers information on how to care for your newborn while expecting. It is recommended that parents get comfortable with our office and staff by making an appointment before the birth of your child. Research shows that parents tend to choose their pediatrician during the second trimester of pregnancy. This is recommended, because it creates a settled mind for those expecting without feeling rushed. Three to five months before your initial due date is the best time to review your pediatric options, along with learning about the needs of your newborn prior to delivery.
Selecting a pediatrician is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. It is important to make sure that you are comfortable with who will be taking care of your child. Here at Goldsboro Pediatrics, we offer the best possible care for your child. With four offices in Eastern North Carolina, Goldsboro, Mount Olive, LaGrange and Princeton, it is simple to find a location near you.
Although vaccinating your child is a personal choice, we understand the benefits that avoid risk of illness to your child. Here at Goldsboro Pediatrics, we recommend vaccinations to protect your child against serious diseases that harms the systems of the body. Vaccines benefit your child through fighting against diseases like measles, whooping cough, influenza, and many other detrimental illnesses. It is recommended that after delivery, your child attends seven visits before the age of two. At these visits, immunizations for your age group will be discussed and explained, so you can make an informed decision regarding your child.
We want to grow with your child, by providing all the needed health care, both well-child and sick-child, beginning with your newborn. Goldsboro Pediatrics – Every Step of the Way.
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