Establishing a Homework Routine
Establishing a homework routine and creating a dedicated homework space for your child is pivotal to his success in school. Learning how to cope when the homework routine has been broken may feel like a challenge, but setting clear rules about homework with your child can help. Homework helps emphasize what is being taught at school, while also identifying what lessons your child will need more help on. Creating these habits early on help assist your child in the future as homework gets more intense and frequent.
The first step to building a homework routine is identifying what timeframe best fits both your schedules to complete homework. All children are different; some kids may need to complete after-school sports before homework, and some children may need to complete homework as soon as they get home. Implementing a daily time to complete homework will curb procrastination and keep your child from falling behind. If daily schedules get broken, try implementing homework rules, such as not allowing reading time or screen time until homework is completed.
Creating a space dedicated to homework is also crucial to homework success. If your child is able to work on a clean area that offers little to no distractions, homework completion will go much more smoothly. Whether it is at a desk, or on the kitchen table, make sure your child is comfortable and has the supplies he needs.
It can feel frustrating at times when you are trying to decide between assisting your child with homework, and letting her work independently. When your child is requesting assistance, first ask your child if she can recall anything she learned in class about the questions. Let her think and talk through what she learned in hopes of understanding how to answer the question. Use positive reinforcement when she is completing homework, and clarify directions and certain words when necessary. This is also a pivotal time to consider school resources if your child seems to be struggling with schoolwork.
Lastly, remain flexible and positive while trying to find a homework routine for your child. Offering reassurance when your child struggles is just as helpful as offering praise when he succeeds. Continue to be patient as he tries to understand what he is learning, and why it is important. Also, when routines get broken, remember it is just temporary. If you child has had a long day at school, he may need some downtime before completing homework. Talk with your child and be open to listening to his needs. Creating and maintaining a healthy homework routine is dependent on communicating with your child consistently and empathetically.
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