New Year’s Resolutions for Teens
The new year represents a fresh start and a whole world of new opportunities. Young and old, alike, look forward (literally) to a clean slate from which to build. Do making goals and writing them down make a difference? Study after study shows you will remember things better when you write them down. Writing things down helps you remember and makes your mind more efficient focusing on the truly important stuff. And goals absolutely are important.
Here are a few ideas for goals/resolutions teenagers can set that may improve their quality of life and make it more fulfilling:
- Unplug after bedtime. A good night’s sleep is critical. Staying off the phone and social media makes for a much less distracting and much more restful slumber.
- No more texting and driving. Always wear a seat belt. Using a cell phone while driving is extremely dangerous. Seat belts are required to be worn- by law. Following these rules will help avoid dangerous situations behind the wheel.
- Write thank you notes. Yes, it is old school. Yes, it is very important to express gratitude.
- Try volunteer work. Giving back to others will enhance feelings of self-worth and involvement in the community.
- Eat healthier and stay physically active. You only get one body. Take care of it.
- When confronted with bullying or bad behavior, look for a trusted adult to help navigate the situation.
- Do your best to resist peer pressure- including drugs, alcohol, vaping, smoking.
- Help friends and family members in need. A helping hand can make a huge difference.
- Be kind. Treat others the way you wish to be treated.
Talk with your teen about making new year's resolutions and setting goals. Setting a road map makes life’s twists and turns easier to navigate. Remind your child that you can dream big and achieve big things through a series of small steps- also known as resolutions.
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